To Qualify to make a last will, you must be:

a) Singapore Citizen, or
b) Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) who does not own real property/immovable property* overseas
c) age 21 or older
d) have mental capacity i.e. sound mind
e) not be an adjudicated Bankrupt by the Singapore High Court

If you are a Muslim, please use the Syariah compliant Muslim Last Wills in this website

(To Qualify to make a Syariah Muslim Last Will, you must be: A Muslim, male or female, AND satisfy the criteria at (a) to (e) above)

Simple explanation of legal terms used in our last wills

With certain legal terms that are frequently used in our wills that are unfamiliar, you can hover over them in the quick view of each will before you buy it, or see the list here

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